While in DC for the Million Man March last weekend I did some shooting around the city. Didn't get to explore as much as I would've like to, but this was also my third trip to DC. I plan on going back real soon and staying for an extended amount of time. For some reason every time I go to DC I end up at the Lincoln Memorial and shooting the reflecting pool (which looked like they were during some cleaning that day). Next time I visit DC i want to shoot some neighborhoods and interact more with the locals. All in all had a good time shooting for the short time I had. 

In The Studio: Andy Madeleine

My friend Andy was in town from LA for a couple days last week. We had a short studio session and talked about his experiences since moving to LA. Surfing, good weather, and even better food. I plan to make that trip early next year, and link up with him while I'm there. Also make sure you check out his work He's a beast with the visuals. 

March Madness.

This past Friday morning I took a trip to Washington DC to celebrate, document, and visually capture the 20 year anniversary for the Million Man March. Met up with the homie Fred and did some shooting around the monuments that day. We woke up and 6am on Saturday morning to beat the traffic of all the people going down to the march. Took the Metro from Maryland to DC. When we finally got there everywhere we walked we were greeted by brothers and sisters from the Nation of Islam. All had a positive energy and uplifting words to share. Everyone was respectful and it was good to see so many people get together and reassure self pride within each other. I was glad I had the opportunity to document this historic event, but I also challenge those who participated in the march to take what they experienced or their new found inspirationand use that to make their community better. It just can’t stop with one march or protest. We as a people have to be diligent in our actions daily and set a good example for others. Let’s not wait another 20 years to get together like we did last Saturday, act now. 

Below is a video of some of the images me and Fred captured during our time there. Feel free to share the video!

Essentials: Washington DC

Tomorrow I'm headed to Washington DC to visually document and capture the Million Man March. Excited and anxious to get there and start shooting. Here's some key essentials I'll be traveling with. Follow my snapchat @milhovse to see my adventures in DC. 

In The Studio: Tommey Walker

Tommey Walker is the founder and creator of the popular "Detroit VS. Everybody" brand. He’s had much success with the brand and has opened up to two flagship stores in the city. One in Greektown and just recently a location in Eastern Market. Tommey stopped by the studio last week to get some headshots. He is one of the individuals chosen by the Michigan Chronicles’ 40 under 40. Good see another individual making a positive impact on the city and getting recognition for it.

Video: Gone (Outta Town, Outta Mind) - No Suh Foster

Back in April my brother No Suh made his first visit to Detroit. I showed him around the city, we talked about state of hip hop and the growth in his music amongst other things. We also shot two videos for his project X The Street From The Church. The first one was Death of the Black Sheep and the other was Gone (Outta Town, Outta Mind). For the Gone video we walked throughout the Eastern Market and midtown area exploring and shooting. Capturing the the art and vibrance of the city.

Me and No Suh go way back, and when I say way back I mean his music video in 2010 was my first attempt at shooting any visuals for music. I appreciate him allowing me to shoot that video for his song even though I didn’t really know what I was doing at the time. I was just fueled off creatively and good music. Since then we’ve collaborated on more than 10 videos.

Check out the video below and also visit for music and videos, and be sure to get his latest project X The Street From The Church!

Around The Way: Jamel Randall

About a week ago I took some shots of Jamel around the Eastern Market and downtown area. He wanted some creative and athletic photos of him performing various yoga stances. He's starting his journey as yoga teacher. "Yoga for the Core" starts Monday October 5th at the First Priority Health and Fitness in Detroit at 4pm. All levels welcomed, and who knows might see me in there too! 

The Process: Basquait Mural

I flew my bro Jermaine up here to Detroit a couple weeks ago to paint a mural on my creative space. We agreed it was going to be a Basquiat piece but we didn’t really know how it was going to look until the day of. We went to Kinkos, printed up a Basquiat photo we both agreed on then Jeramine broke down the photo by measuring each section. We then went to Blick’s Art Shop and picked up Montana spray paint then got to work. We were both excited and anxious because this would be Jermaine’s largest painting to date. Dee Low came with the drone and got some crazy aerial visuals, Donavan came with the GoPro and got a dope time-lapse, and people came by with curiosity and good conversation. At one point a bus full of people that were touring Detroit’s art scene stopped by and watched as Jermaine painted. A lot of them didn’t know who Basquiat was so it was cool that we could educate them about the impact he had on the art world in 80’s. Having this whole process happen is a dream come true and something me and Jermaine have talked about for some years. Timing is everything, and the time was right. This is just the first of many collaborations I want to do with artist that I admire, especially in Detroit. Check the video I put together of the 2 day process and special thanks for Dee Low and Donavan who assisted with the camera work. IMAGINE. CREATE. EXPOSE.

Blood On The Moon.

Last night I had the opportunity to capture a super blood moon before the clouds took over the sky. I drove over to my friend DeLow's place where we had to find a sketch way to get on the roof. Luckily at the last minute I decided to bring my 70-300mm which was clutch because without it I wouldn't have gotten a close up shot of the moon. I started shooting it around 10:00pm and did so for about 20 minutes until the clouds came in. So glad I was able to capture it because its rare to witness at supermoon eclipse, and the next one won't happen until another 18 years. I'll be ready in 2033 too! 

Real Love.

57 years of love, loyalty, and laughter. My granddad said the key to a successful relationship and marriage is to always communicate and never go to sleep angry at the person. Enjoy each others company, learn how to compromise, and most importantly be happy. Happy anniversary to my grandparents who are a true example of real love.